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  • TPA8801B is a high sensitivity current input interface,which can covert the pA to nA range current signal to 5Vrange output.TPA8801B use one resister to set the transduce gain,can provide ideal 4.56G current to voltage DC gainwhen the resis
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TPA8801B is a high sensitivity current input interface,which can covert the pA to nA range current signal to 5Vrange output.TPA8801B use one resister to set the transduce gain,can provide ideal 4.56GΩ current to voltage DC gainwhen the resister is 20KΩ. As the output is saturated inthe real application by offset voltage of internal amplifier,AC coupled mode is used to remove DC offset voltageand bias current impaction, so the real AC gain in theapplication is less than ideal DC gain depend on thecapacitor values.The internal precision amplifier has 1pA input biascurrent is good to transduce down to 100pA signal,0.4mV offset voltage to expand the input range for DCsignal, 1.3MHz GBW to meet the requirement of ACsignal which is used in some type of dust sensorapplication.TPA8801B is specified for operation over the -40°C to125°C range.TPA8801B is available in 5mm*6mm 14-lead TSSOPpackage. TPA8801B possibly in 3mm*2mm 14-lead DFNpackage, 1/5 size versus TSSOP-14 package, to meetthe size limitation application, the sample can beprovided in one month.


◼ Ideal DC gain when Rg=20K: 4.56GΩ
◼ One resister(Rg) to set the gain
◼ Supply voltage range: 2.1-5.5V
◼ Iq: 700µA maximum
◼ Analog output
◼ Internal amplifier:
        - VOS: ±3mV maximum
        - Low noise: 25 nV/√Hz- GBWP: 1.3MHz
        - Input Bias Current: 1pA typical
◼ ESD rating: HBM 8KV / CDM 2KV
◼ Operation temperature range: –40°C to 125°C
◼ Green, Popular Type Package


◼ Dust sensor for air quality monitoring (PM2.5,PM10)
◼ Photodiode interface
◼ Sensor interface for current output sensor

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