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  • The TPT29548A is a 1:8 bidirectional translating I2Cswitch. The SCL/SDA upstream pair fans out to eightdownstream channels. Any single SCn/SDn channelor combination of channels can be selected,determined by the programmable control register
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The TPT29548A is a 1:8 bidirectional translating I2Cswitch. The SCL/SDA upstream pair fans out to eightdownstream channels. Any single SCn/SDn channelor combination of channels can be selected,determined by the programmable control register.If one of the downstream I2C buses is stuck in a lowstate, then an active-low reset input helpsthe TPT29548A to recover. Pulling  low resetsthe I2C state machine and causes all the channels tobe deselected, as does the internal power-on resetfunction.The pass gates of the switches are constructed suchthat the VCC terminal can be used to limit themaximum high voltage, which will be passed by theTPT29548A. This allows the use of different busvoltages on each pair, so that 2.5 V, or 3.3 V partscan communicate with 5 V parts, without anyadditional protection. External pull-up resistors pullthe bus up to the desired voltage level for eachchannel. All I/O terminals are 5.5 V tolerant.TPT29548A is available in TSSOP24 and QFN24Lpackage, and is characterized from −40°C to +85°C.


 Bidirectional Translator of 1:8 I2C Switch
 Active-Low Reset Input
 Three address terminals, allowing up to 8 deviceson the I2C Bus
 Operating Power-Supply Voltage Range of 2.3 Vto 5.5 V
 Allows Voltage-Level Translation Between 2.5 V,3.3 V, and 5 V Buses
 Support Standard Mode and Fast Mode I2CDevices,0 to 400-kHz Clock Frequency
 Low RON Switches
 Latch-Up performance exceeds 200 mA per JESD78
 ESD Protection Exceeds JESD 22
      − 3.5 kV Human-Body Model
      − 1.5 kV Charged-Device Model


 Servers/Storages
 Routers (Telecom Switching Equipment)
 Factory Automation
 Products With I2C Slave Address Conflicts (e.g.,Multiple, Identical Temp Sensors)
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